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Now downloading free:Pioneer pl 930 arp 109 0 121

Pioneer pl 930 arp 109 0 121 free download

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Model:pl 930 arp 109 0 121 🔎
Original:pl 930 arp 109 0 121 🔎
Descr: Pioneer Audio pl_930_arp_109_0_121.pdf
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File name pl_930_arp_109_0_121.pdf

(DrrloNEER' ORDERNO. ARP-109-O STEREOTURNTABLE PLI 93c! MODEL PL.93OCOMESIN FIVE VERSIONSDISTINGUISHED FOLLOWS: AS WE,WB, wP,R,R/G Type Voltage Remarks WE 220V -240V Europemodel WB 220V -240V United kingdom model WP 220V - 240V Oceania model R 11OV- 12OVl22OV -24OV (Switchabte) General export model R/G 1 10V - 12OV l22OV - 24OV(switchabte) U.S. military model o The basicperformancc the PL-930/WE, of WB, WP, R and R/G types is the sameasthe PL-7IKUT type. Pleaserefer to the PL-7IKUT Wpe servicemanual(ART-701)with the exceptionof those supplements. PIGINEEFI ELECTFICINIC CCIFIPCIFIATICIN 4-'t, Mesuno'1-chome, Mesuno-ku, Tokyo,ls3, Japan PIONEEFI ELECTFICINTCS IUSAI lNC. 1925 E. Dorninguez St., Long Beach, Catifonnia gO81O U.S.,,A. PIONEEFI ELEcrFloNlc [EuFloPEl N.v. Luirhagen-Heven g, eoso Antswenp, E]etgium PfONEEFI ELECTFICINICSi AIJSiTFTALIA PTY. Lltrt. 178-184 Boundany Fload, Bnaeside, Victonie 3195, Ausrnalia FU @MAY 1982 P r i n t e di n J a p a n 1. SPECIFICATIONS Motor and Turntable PC-3MCSpecifications DriveSystem Direct-drive Type . . . . M o v i n g c ot y p e il Motor. . . . . O u a r t z P L L H a l lm o t o r Stylus. 0 . 5 m i ld i a m o n d( P N - 3 M C ) T u r n t a b l e l a t t e r . . 3 1 O m m i a m .a l u m i n u m l l o yd i e c a s t P d a OutputVoltage ...2.5mV Speeds . . 33-1/3 and 45rpm (1kHz,50mm/s Peakvelocity,LATI

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